30 December 2008

Exercise on track

Had the day off work today as its still the holiday season but managed to get some exercise in.

Exercise bike programme today:

4.5 min warm up Level 3, then stretch

18 x 2 min (Level 3: 1 min 15 secs, Level 4: 45 secs) = 36 mins

4.5 min Level 3 then stretch

Total 45 mins, calories burned 284

Also played half an hour of table tennis in the evening. Went up to church to set up some things for the new year bash tomorrow evening, and the kids had left the table up, so had a game with husband. I think he was surprised I actually knew how to hit the ball. We don't normally get a look in at the table tennis as its surrounded by noisy children.

29 December 2008

In the beginning

In 2009 I am NOT going to obsess about how much I weigh. The scales are in the bathroom behind the door, and I will weigh myself once a week, and once only. All is going well so far, and I have decided that this year I need exercise goals instead of weight goals.

I spent all of 2008 trying to lose those "last 4 pounds" and consequently I weigh exactly the same, or maybe a pound or two more than at the beginning of the year. So time to forget it. I'm a healthy weight, and must keep reminding myself of this fact. I will not look dramatically different if I weighed 4 pounds less.

Right, so about three weeks ago I started a couch-to-5k running programme. Designed for those people who can just about run for 60 seconds, but would like to run for 30 minutes non-stop. That's me. I have bad memories of running from school days and have always wanted to be good at it. So in my lunch hour at work I have started the running plan. The plan is to go at least 3 days a week (once the holiday season is finished), and on the week days I don't get out, to go on the exercise bike in the evenings - also increasing my progress on that.

I'd like to fit a bit of strength and flexibility training in as well, maybe 20-30 mins in the evenings, and then I've got the weekends for catch up if I don't make it. Even if it all goes to pot I should end doing more exercise than I've done this year, and thus maintain my weight without hassle - the great aim!

So today I did:
Warm up: 10 min walk
Run/walk: 8 x (1.25 mins jog +1.25 mins walk) - total 20 mins
Warm down: 15 min walk. Forgot to stretch

Got a stitch into the 3rd lot of run/walk. It didn't really go then, and had to stop on the 7th cycle for a bit before continuing. I have tried to eat at least an hour before going out, and not more than 200 calories. Maybe I need to strengthen my abs.

Previously I have had what I think is shin splints (pain in front of shin?). I read advice that you should run on a softer surface where possible, so I tried running more on grass this time and did not have so much of a problem.

I don't have proper running shoes yet, just trainers, I thought I'd go for a month or so and see if I get into it, and then go and buy proper shoes.