28 March 2010

Week 4 Weigh In

Week 0: 9st 0.75lbs
Week 1: 8st 13lbs
Week 2: 8st 12.5lbs
Week 3: 8st 12.5lbs
Week 4: 8st 12.5lbs

Lost nothing - again.
Not really going to plan.
Although I did have a cold this week and thus no energy to exercise.
However I am actually still on track, having lost 2.25lbs in 4 weeks, despite the fact that I lost most of it in week one.

Average calories per day: 1610

Exercise total: 1 hour 45 mins walking, 20 mins structured.

If I dont lose anything this week I shall be cross.


27 March 2010

Week 4 - Day 7


Breakfast: english muffin and jam, banana, 1 choc

Snack: 1 choc

Lunch: mushroom and cheese omelette, banana, 1 choc

Snack: 2 lemon fairy cakes

Dinner: sausage and mushroom pasta, 2 chocs, glass of wine

Total: 1550

Exercise: 40 min walk


26 March 2010

Week 4 - Day 6


Breakfast: bread roll, hard boiled egg, banana

Snack: apple, fig

Lunch: bread roll, bbq chicken, salad, fig

Snack: yoghurt, cracker and cheese, 1 chocolate

Dinner: roast pork, roast potato and parsnip, steamed veg, gravy, 1 chocolate, glass of wine

Total: 1640

Exercise: 20 min walk, 20 min on exercise bike


25 March 2010

Week 4 - Day 5


Breakfast: mini pain au chocolat, banana, petit filous

Snack: apple, kitkat

Lunch: bread roll, bbq chicken, salad, 2 fresh figs

Snack: apricot, small orange

Dinner: chicken noodle stir fry

Dessert: 2 chocolates

Total: 1310

Exercise: 15 min walk

Still got little energy due to my cold.


24 March 2010

Week 4 - Day 4


Breakfast: brown roll, yoghurt, satsuma

Snack: petit filous

Lunch: chicken and bacon sandwich, salad, low fat crisps, 2 apricots

Snack: fridge raiders, crackers and cheese

Dinner: roast chicken breast, mash, roast parsnips, steamed veg

Dessert: WW chocolate brownie dessert

Total: 1770

Exercise: 10 min walk

Still not feeling good with my cold. Distinct lack of energy.


23 March 2010

Week 4 - Day 3


Breakfast: cereal bar, petit filous, pear

Snack: apple

Lunch: bread roll, ham, tomato, 2 creme eggs

Dinner: salmon fillet, dill and orange sauce, mash, steamed veg, 2 chocolate mints

Snack: cracker and cheese, 2 chocolate mints

Total: 1700

Exercise: 10 min walk

Still feeling ropey with a cold. And couldn't resist the chocolate today. Have been eating too much rubbish.


22 March 2010

Week 4 - Day 2


Breakfast: slice of toast and marmite

Snack: mini pain au chocolate

Lunch: cheese, ham and mushroom omelette, salad

Snack: small slice of chocolate cake

Snack: pear, slice of cheese

Dinner: fray bentos pie, baked potato, carrots and peas, 2 choc mints

Total: 1380

Exercise: none - got a cold, been at home all day


Week 4 - Day 1

Sunday went alright until I started to come down with a cold in the afternoon. Feeling a bit off today, but hopefully will be better by tomorrow.

Here's yesterday's food:


Breakfast: english muffin with jam, petit filous

Lunch: buffet lunch at church - soup, sandwiches, cake etc

Snack: biscuit

Dinner: chicken kiev, oven chips, baked beans, slice of chocolate cake

Total :1920

Exercise: none


21 March 2010

Week 3 - Weigh In

Start weight 9st 0.75lbs
Week 1 - 8st 13lbs
Week 2 - 8 st 12.5lbs
Week 3 - 8st 12.5lbs

Lost - nothing.

Average calorie intake: 1573

Exercise: 2.5 hours walking, 2 hrs 40 mins structured exercise

Good - still felt as if it could be better exercise wise but not bad.

Now I've been really good this week and lost nothing. This is typical of me on a new programme and typically where I would now give up. I lose the first week, a little the second week, and then nothing, and its not a barrier I've pushed through. This time I am at least going to see the six weeks through if nothing else, although not feeling so good about it now.


20 March 2010

Week 3 - Day 7


Breakfast: scrambed eggs in wholemeal pitta - 300

Snack: cracker and cheese - 70

Lunch: ham and cheese on toast, salad, pear - 450

Snack: piece of cheese - 60

Dinner: country french chicken, rice, steamed veg - 400

Pudding: slice of chocolate cake - 280

Total: 1560

Exercise: 90 mins on exercise bike


19 March 2010

Week 3 - Day 6


Breakfast: cereal bar, petit filous, banana - 280

Snack: apple - 50

Lunch: bread roll, lentil and bacon soup, orange, cherry tomatoes - 370

Snack: petit filous, fridge raiders - 190

Dinner: lasagne, steamed veg - 580

Baileys - 80

Total: 1550

Exercise: 20 mins walk


18 March 2010

Week 3 - Day 5


Breakfast: bread roll, banana - 270

Snack: apple - 50

Lunch: lentil and bacon soup, bread roll, orange - 350

Snack: petit filous - 60

Dinner: lasagne, steamed veg - 580

Pud: square choc - 30

Total: 1350

Exercise: 20 min walk


17 March 2010

Week 3 - Day 4


Breakfast: chocolate muffin - 460

Snack: banana - 70

Lunch: sushi, toffee sundae - 750

Snack: crackers and cheese - 100

Dinner: peri peri chicken breast, oven chips, baked beans - 500

Dessert: petit filous - 60

Total 1940

Exercise: 30 min walk, 25 min exercise dvd


16 March 2010

Week 3 - Day 3


Breakfast: cereal bar, 2 petit filous - 260

Snack: apple - 60

Lunch: bread roll, sweet chilli chicken breast, salad - 400

Snack: apple, egg custard tart - 300

Dinner: chicken fajita - 330

Snack: cracker and cheese - 50

Total: 1400

Exercise: 2 x 25 minute walk


15 March 2010

Week 3 - Day 2


Breakfast: bread roll, satsuma, petit filous - 270

Snack: apple - 60

Lunch: marinated prawns, bread roll, banana, piece dark choc - 400

Snack: piece of dark choc, cracker and cheese - 80

Dinner: tuna pasta, brocolli and leek - 350

Pud: petit filous - 80

Total: 1240

Exercise: 30 mins walk, 45 mins ex bike


14 March 2010

Week 3 - Day 1


Breakfast: english muffin with jam, petit filous

Snack: cracker and cheese

Lunch: homemade pizza, ice cream

Tea: sandwiches, crisps and cake at church

Supper: cheese on toast, salad

Total: 2020

Exercise: none


Week 2 - Weigh In

Start weight: 9st 0.75lb
Week 1: 8st 13lb
Week 2: 8st 12.5lb

Loss this week - 0.5 lb

Good - that is my anticipated weekly loss.
Must remind myself that even if it doesn't sound like much it will add up if I can lose that consistently.

Average calories this week: 1614

Ok - about the same as last week. Its difficult to stick to low calories at the weekend, but I'm still working towards that 1500 rather than way overshooting it.

Exercise this week: 2 hours of walking, 2 hours 35 mins of structured exercise

Quite good - but could still be better


13 March 2010

Week 2 - Day 7


Breakfast: piece of baguette, scrambled eggs

Snack: 2 mint imperials

Lunch: piece of baguette, cheese, chinese chicken, salad, banana

Snack: cheese and crackers

Dinner: roast beef in guiness, potato and onion, roast parsnip, steamed veg, 2 small glasses of wine, piece of dark choc

Total: 1660

Exercise: 45 mins exercise bike


12 March 2010

Week 2 - Day 6


Breakfast: mini cheddars, banana, petit filous - 290

Snack: apple, large piece of tiffin cake - 490

Lunch: chinese chicken, salad, satsuma -140

Snack: slice of blue cheese - 30

Dinner: rib eye steak, peppercorn sauce, mash, steamed veg - 650

Glass of wine - 70

Total 1670

Exercise: 20 min walk, 50 min exercise bike


11 March 2010

Week 2 - Day 5


Breakfast: cereal bar, banana, petit filous - 270

Snack: apple - 50

Lunch: thai green chicken soup - 400

Snack: plum, satsuma - 40

Dinner: bacon and mushroom pasta, brocolli - 550

Total: 1310

Exercise: 30 mins walk


10 March 2010

Week 2 - Day 4

I'm loving the days with lots of calories!


Breakfast: bread roll with marg, petit filous, yellow plum - 330

Snack: apple - 50

Lunch: kfc 2 piece meal - 640

Snack: cereal bar - 110

Dinner: tuna steak, dill and orange sauce, mash, steamed veg - 500

Dessert: cheese and crackers, grapes, square of dark chco - 330

Total: 1960

Exercise: 20 mins walk, 30 mins exercise DVD


9 March 2010

Week 2 - Day 3


Breakfast: bread roll and marg, petit filous - 310

Snack: square dark choc - 60

Lunch: morrocan cous cous, ham, petit filous - 410

Snack: cheese and crackers - 100

Dinner: country french turkey casserole, rice, roast parsnip, steamed veg - 500

Dessert: ice cream in a cone - 120

Total: 1500

Exercise: 30 min walk, 30 mins exercise bike


8 March 2010

Week 2 - Day 2


Breakfast: fruit n fibre, petit filous, pear - 280

Snack: apple - 50

Lunch: minestrone soup, petit filous - 310

Snack: custard cream - 50

Dinner: morrocan cous cous, ham, cheese, square dark choc - 460

Snack: small piece of melon, two cheesy chips - 50

Total: 1200

Exercise: 20 min walk


7 March 2010

Week 2 - Day 1


Breakfast: english muffin and jam, square choc, 2 plums

Lunch: buffet lunch at church

Supper: pasta bake, glass of win, square dark choc

Total : approx 2000

Exercise: none


Week 1 Weigh In

Start weight: 9st 3/4lb
Week 1: 8st 13lb

Loss 1 3/4 lb this week.

Very good. But then the first week is always the easiest. Its the ones that follow that I normally have trouble with.

Average calories this week was 1617 - quite good.

Exercise this week: 1 hour and 40 minutes of walking, 50 minutes of structured exercise - could do better!


Week 1- Day 7


Breakfast: bread roll with cheese, pear - 300

Lunch: spinach and ricotta canneloni, couscous salad, green salad, yoghurt - 1000

Tea: buffet supper at church - one plateful and one slice of cake - 750

Total: 1750 - bit over, but actually extremely good behaviour from me at the buffet table there

Exercise: none, still feeling a bit off from the dentist in the morning, and went round to a friends house for the afternoon, and church in the evening.


6 March 2010

Week 1 - Day 6

Great, blogger just deleted my post.

Quick recap - got my tooth fixed, can only eat soft food for 24 hours.


Breakfast: mini cheddars, banana, cereal bar

Snack: banana

Lunch: pea and ham soup

Snack: petit filous

Dinner: sausage and mash, veg, glass of vine

Dessert: individual trifle

Total 1540

Exercise: nothing really, bit of walking, didn't feel like much after dentist trip


4 March 2010

Week 1 - Day 5


Breakfast: bread roll with marg - 270

Snack: small banana - 60

Lunch: bread roll, bbq chicken, salad, half a satsuma -turned out to be mouldy :-( - 370

Snack: apple - 40

Dinner: shepherd pie and steamed veg - 450

Snack: choc biscuit - 120

Total 1310

Exercise: 30 min walk

Not sure how tomorrow's food will turn out as one of my fillings has decided its about to fall out, and has gone all wobbly, so I will have to try and get an emergency appointment tomorrow. May well be eating slush...


3 March 2010

Week 1 - Day 4


Breakfast: fruit n fibre (dry), small galaxy bar - 300

Snack: apple, snack a jacks - 150

Lunch: brown roll, tinned mackerel in tomato sauce, salad, satsuma, square dark choc - 450

Snack: apple, square dark choc - 100

Snack: few salted nuts - 50

Dinner: macaroni cheese, veg, satsuma - 850

Total: 2000

Exercise: 30 min walk, 20 mins free weights


2 March 2010

Week 1 - Day 3

Not too bad a day. Bit tired first thing, but then with being on holiday last week, this morning was my earliest morning for about ten days.


Breakfast: cheese roll - 300

Snack: apple - 40

Lunch: bbq chicken roll, salad, satsuma - 400

Snack: apple - 40

Snack: cheese and cracker - 50

Dinner: shepherd's pie and steamed veg - 490

Pud: ice cream in a cone - 120

Total 1440

Exercise: 20 min walk, 30 mins on exercise bike


1 March 2010

Week 1 - Day 2

Today was difficult. I've been eating so much food the last ten days or so that I felt really hungry for most of the day, and went a bit low blood sugar on my lunchtime walk. And that is why I am not doing low calories every single day!

I don't think it helped that I had a headache all night and didn't sleep very well. It didn't clear till lunchtime and then I felt a bit washed out for the rest of the day.

I went to the doctor's this morning and they were running 30 minutes late which meant I was too late to eat breakfast or make lunch before heading off to work, so had to purchase items instead.

I'm well tired after being back at work for the first day after my holiday!


Breakfast: Starbucks skinny peach and raspberry muffin - 290

Snack: apple - 40

Lunch: prepackaged egg sandwich, banana, satsuma - 400

Snack: apple and satsuma - 60

Snack: two crackers with cheese - 100

Dinner: ovenbaked smoked haddock, baked potato, steamed vegetables - 370

Dessert: satsuma - 20

Total 1280

Exercise: 20 minute walk at lunchtime

28 February 2010

Week 1 - Day 1

Today didn't really go to plan. The restaurant we went to at lunchtime was very yummy, and my husband knew the chef so he gave us some extras on the house which I just had to eat. I am incapable of choosing just "pasta in tomato sauce" at an italian restaurant. It seems like such a waste!

Luckily as we went out at lunchtime I just haven't eaten anything else for the rest of the day. I think the calorie count would probably come in at around the 2000 mark but difficult to tell.

Breakfast: pain au chocolat, clementine

Snack: mint imperial

Lunch (Italian restaurant): cheesy garlic pizza bread, olives, lasagne, mixed salad, some onion rings, mint choc chip ice cream

Snack: chocolate mint (from lunch)

No exercise

Here's to a healthy day tomorrow!

27 February 2010

Here we go again

I see I haven't posted on here for nearly a year now. Well I can still jog for 30 minutes in one go, but I'm not a lot faster than I was. I have stopped going at lunchtimes during work now as I was having difficulty getting faster without getting really sweaty and disgusting, and even with a bathroom that's not quite what you want if you have to sit through an afternoon at work.

And since the clocks went back I haven't had chance to get out during the week as its dark when I get home. Only a month to go and then maybe I will get back into things again.

Anyway, the weight has been creeping a little recently - I'm 5'4", and around the 9 stone mark. I lost a lot of weight about 5 years ago and have maintained it, and my original goal, which I achieved was 8st 7lbs, but I've spent most of the time since around 8st 10lbs. I've just got back after a weeks holiday, and to be honest the last six months I've struggled to keep my weight below about 8st 12lbs, and tomorrow is my post holiday weigh-in which I suspect will come in just over the 9st mark.

I want to stop the creep - but the problem with being relatively small is that its terribly difficult to get those last few pounds off. So I'm starting an experiment. A countdown to my next holiday in June when I will be wearing a BIKINI for the first time in my life ever (outside of my back garden that is.)

So I have a plan that will hopefully help me lose half a pound a week for six weeks, maintain for one week, then half a pound a week for another six weeks, then maintain for about four weeks before my June holiday. I'm going to keep this blog as a food and exercise diary.

I'm the kind of person who enjoys food far too much to be accountable unless I'm writing it all down - and I quite enjoy writing it all down anyway so I don't have a problem with that.

Here's the plan:


- 20-30 min walk every week day at lunchtime
- 3 cardio sessions a week lasting between 30-60 minutes, either jogging, exercise bike or exercise DVD
- 2 strength sessions a week lasting between 20-40 minutes, either free weights or exercise DVD


Following a calorie shifting plan - so I don't get fed up with not being able to eat enough.

Weight loss phase:

Sunday 2000 cals
Monday 1300 cals
Tuesday 1500 cals
Wednesday 2000 cals
Thursday 1300 cals
Friday 1500 cals
Saturday 1500 cals

If I have a social event planned on a Saturday I may swap the calorie allowance for the Sunday.

The only food/drinks I will not be counting are water and tea (with or without milk).

I'm not restricting any foods but I will by trying not to eat sugary foods as snacks, as I've had quite a few fillings in the last two or three years.

We begin tomorrow - and I have holiday leftovers to eat up plus I'm going out for a meal with a friend, so may not be a great start but will do my best.

Tomorrow I will weigh and measure myself, and then do it again at the end of the first six weeks.

Here's todays food diary for starters, I haven't counted calories I reckon its around 2000-2100.

Breakfast: baked beans on toasted sunflower seed roll, glass of pineapple juice
Snack: packet of french fries, few mint imperials
Lunch: sunflower seed roll, few slices of various cheeses, few slices of mexican chicken, salad, clementine, cereal bar
Snack: handful of salted nuts
Dinner: sausage and mushroom pasta, white magnum

Here's hoping I weigh less than I think I do tomorrow morning.