29 December 2008

In the beginning

In 2009 I am NOT going to obsess about how much I weigh. The scales are in the bathroom behind the door, and I will weigh myself once a week, and once only. All is going well so far, and I have decided that this year I need exercise goals instead of weight goals.

I spent all of 2008 trying to lose those "last 4 pounds" and consequently I weigh exactly the same, or maybe a pound or two more than at the beginning of the year. So time to forget it. I'm a healthy weight, and must keep reminding myself of this fact. I will not look dramatically different if I weighed 4 pounds less.

Right, so about three weeks ago I started a couch-to-5k running programme. Designed for those people who can just about run for 60 seconds, but would like to run for 30 minutes non-stop. That's me. I have bad memories of running from school days and have always wanted to be good at it. So in my lunch hour at work I have started the running plan. The plan is to go at least 3 days a week (once the holiday season is finished), and on the week days I don't get out, to go on the exercise bike in the evenings - also increasing my progress on that.

I'd like to fit a bit of strength and flexibility training in as well, maybe 20-30 mins in the evenings, and then I've got the weekends for catch up if I don't make it. Even if it all goes to pot I should end doing more exercise than I've done this year, and thus maintain my weight without hassle - the great aim!

So today I did:
Warm up: 10 min walk
Run/walk: 8 x (1.25 mins jog +1.25 mins walk) - total 20 mins
Warm down: 15 min walk. Forgot to stretch

Got a stitch into the 3rd lot of run/walk. It didn't really go then, and had to stop on the 7th cycle for a bit before continuing. I have tried to eat at least an hour before going out, and not more than 200 calories. Maybe I need to strengthen my abs.

Previously I have had what I think is shin splints (pain in front of shin?). I read advice that you should run on a softer surface where possible, so I tried running more on grass this time and did not have so much of a problem.

I don't have proper running shoes yet, just trainers, I thought I'd go for a month or so and see if I get into it, and then go and buy proper shoes.

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