20 January 2009

Back to the old route

Went back to my old route today for my walk/jog and fared slightly better. I chopped a bit out of the middle and the timing was about right:

9 min warm up walk, and stretch
21 mins: (2 mins jog + 1 min walk) x 7
10 min cool down walk, forgot to stretch

Total 40 mins, 14 mins jogging

My last jogging section now came on the main road, but it was a big downhill so gave me a bit of momentum to finish that final bit! I got through it okay today, no particular problems, so was fairly pleased. I do feel like rather a wuss for finding running for 2 minutes at a time quite a challenge, but keep remembering I've got to compare myself to me and no-one else.

All the other joggers out at lunch time seem to go very fast and look much better than me! Today for the first time I caught another one walking, I was beginning to think no-one else ever did walk/run programmes.

And then I hate it when I pass a person in the other direction and my brain thinks I have to look like a proper runner and makes me speed up a bit and try not to puff too much!

Must think in baby steps!


  1. I can totally relate to that need to look more like a proper runner when I come across other folks, then I slow way back down once they're gone!

    (I forgot to stretch today too, thanks for the reminder)

  2. I know what you mean. I VERY rarely ever run so I feel a little shy sometimes when I do. The most running I do is running across streets to dodge cars or trying to jog without spilling my mug of tea as I rush to class:)

    Keep at it! Doing a running/walking program is so good for the body.

    - Sagan
