31 January 2009

Meal Plan w/c 26th Jan

A bit retrospective this week - its been our busiest week of the year at work (and I do mean a rolling year not a calendar year!) so things have been hectic and meals have been what I can be bothered with on the night:

Mon 26 - friend's house - lamb chop with veg and gravy

Tue 27 - bolognese, with baked potato and steamed veg

Wed 28 - Moroccan chicken casserole

Thu 29 - Moroccan coley casserole (with leftovers from last night!)

Fri 30 - Asda four cheese pizza

Sat 31 - Roast chicken breast with vegetable gratin

Sun 1 - homemade pizza

Somehow too much pizza always gets into my menus...


  1. Sigh. Pizza is my weakness too!

    I rationalize that if I have a huge salad with it, and get the kind with a whole wheat crust and no meat and lots of veggies and not too much cheese... maybe it's ok to eat it constantly?

  2. Definitely agree! Its almost a health food!
