1 March 2010

Week 1 - Day 2

Today was difficult. I've been eating so much food the last ten days or so that I felt really hungry for most of the day, and went a bit low blood sugar on my lunchtime walk. And that is why I am not doing low calories every single day!

I don't think it helped that I had a headache all night and didn't sleep very well. It didn't clear till lunchtime and then I felt a bit washed out for the rest of the day.

I went to the doctor's this morning and they were running 30 minutes late which meant I was too late to eat breakfast or make lunch before heading off to work, so had to purchase items instead.

I'm well tired after being back at work for the first day after my holiday!


Breakfast: Starbucks skinny peach and raspberry muffin - 290

Snack: apple - 40

Lunch: prepackaged egg sandwich, banana, satsuma - 400

Snack: apple and satsuma - 60

Snack: two crackers with cheese - 100

Dinner: ovenbaked smoked haddock, baked potato, steamed vegetables - 370

Dessert: satsuma - 20

Total 1280

Exercise: 20 minute walk at lunchtime

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