21 March 2010

Week 3 - Weigh In

Start weight 9st 0.75lbs
Week 1 - 8st 13lbs
Week 2 - 8 st 12.5lbs
Week 3 - 8st 12.5lbs

Lost - nothing.

Average calorie intake: 1573

Exercise: 2.5 hours walking, 2 hrs 40 mins structured exercise

Good - still felt as if it could be better exercise wise but not bad.

Now I've been really good this week and lost nothing. This is typical of me on a new programme and typically where I would now give up. I lose the first week, a little the second week, and then nothing, and its not a barrier I've pushed through. This time I am at least going to see the six weeks through if nothing else, although not feeling so good about it now.


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